Operating System
A FetchCord Remaster is currently in progress!
- Distribution detection
- Distribution Version
- Package detection
- Kernel Detection
- Uptime
- Detecting Window Manager/Desktop Environment
- Detecting GPU/CPU and display it in a cycle (thanks to Hyper-KVM)
- Flatpak support
- Add Snap support
- Add Windows support.
- Detect Window Manager/Desktop Environment version
- Periodic polling of info such as package count, RAM usage, etc.
- SystemD Autostart Service
- Add more distributions (If your distro is not supported open an issue or visit our Discord)
- Add support for desktop icon use (this can already be set up manually if wanted!)
- More CPUs, GPUs and Mobos etc. including much more recent and much older hardware
- OpenRC/Windows/MacOS Autostart Service?
- --nodistro, Don't show distro info.
- --nohardware, Don't show hardware info.
- --noshell, Don't show shell/terminal info.
- --nohost, Don't show host info.
- --time, -t, set custom duration for cycles in seconds.
- --terminal, set custom terminal (useful if using a script or dmenu).
- --termfont, set custom terminal font (useful if neofetch can't get it).
- --pause-cycle, Extra cycle that pauses FetchCord to show other activities.
- --update, Update database of distros, hardware, etc.
- --debug, For debug logs.
- --memtype, use GB or MB to show RAM.
- -h or --help, shows this information above.